Upcoming Rides

Name Date Time Leaders Level Distance Spots Remaining
[BERKSHIRES] Lakeville Gravel Ride to... Sat, May 24 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /17 49 Miles 6 of 6
[BERKSHIRES] B17 All Class Lakeville... Sat, May 24 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /17 55 Miles 24 of 25
[BERKSHIRES] B16 All Class Lakeville... Sat, May 24 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /16 about 50 Miles 15 of 15
[BERKSHIRES] A19 All Class Lakeville... Sat, May 24 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org A /19 55 Miles 10 of 10
[BERKSHIRES] B15 All Class Lakeville... Sat, May 24 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /15 41 Miles 10 of 10
[BERKSHIRES] Dover Plains to Great... Sat, May 24 09:20 AM berkshires nycc.org B /16 44 Miles 8 of 8
[BERKSHIRES] B17 All Class Lakeville... Sat, May 24 10:30 AM berkshires nycc.org B /17 55 Miles 8 of 8
[BERKSHIRES] Harlem Valley Rail Ride a... Sun, May 25 08:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /19 100 Miles 8 of 8
[BERKSHIRES] Lenox - Stockbridge Bowl... Sun, May 25 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org C /14 32 Miles 15 of 15
[BERKSHIRES] Bash Bish (Shorter, Kinder... Sun, May 25 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /16 53 Miles 8 of 8
[BERKSHIRES] Bash Bish (Shorter, Kinder... Sun, May 25 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /15 53 Miles 15 of 15
[BERKSHIRES] Cakewalk in the Berkshires... Sun, May 25 09:00 AM berkshires nycc.org B /17 60.5 Miles 19 of 20
[BERKSHIRES] Lenox & Naumkeag Estate... Sun, May 25 09:20 AM berkshires nycc.org B /15 40 Miles 15 of 15
[BERKSHIRES] 2025 Culture Ride: Hancock... Sun, May 25 09:30 AM berkshires nycc.org B /15 about 50 Miles 8 of 8
[BERKSHIRES] 2025 Culture Ride: Norman... Sun, May 25 09:30 AM berkshires nycc.org C /13 31 Miles 10 of 10
[BERKSHIRES] Housatonic River, Lenox... Sun, May 25 09:45 AM berkshires nycc.org B /16 45 Miles 25 of 25
[BERKSHIRES] Stockbridge Sun, May 25 01:30 PM berkshires nycc.org C /14 22 Miles 12 of 12
[BERKSHIRES] Great Barrington to Wassaic... Mon, May 26 08:15 AM berkshires nycc.org C /14 35 Miles 18 of 18
[BERKSHIRES] Great Barrington to Wassaic... Mon, May 26 08:15 AM berkshires nycc.org B /15 35 Miles 10 of 10
[BERKSHIRES] Great Barrington to Wassaic... Mon, May 26 08:30 AM berkshires nycc.org B /16 55 Miles 6 of 6

Ride Classifications

Ride Classifications    Rides are classified according to level and cruising speed:

A = Fast, with paceline skills required   B = Moderate    C = Gentle (a good introduction to the Club)   A number following a letter indicates the target cruising speed on flat roads, e.g., B15 = B level/15 mph cruising speed. To evaluate your cruising speed, see our Self-Test Table.

cycling trips