Broken Record

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Anonymous's picture
Fungus Amungus (not verified)
Pivoting point

I agree with Lynn with respect to not wanting to make any board member's job harder. Technology should make things easier and more manageable for everyone. Thanks to Peter, Tim, and the rest of the NYCC tech volunteers (I like the ring of that!), technology is indeed making things easier.

Migrating responsibility for managing membership lists to is a great idea! Just as great is this thread (even with the mild needling by a few). I swing in both directions (er, with regards to the printed bulletin)...I like it but I can live without it. I don't think those who want a printed bulletin should have to pay more (yet) but I do think those who don't want a printed bulletin should certainly pay less.

Folks, it's obvious that the resources required for producing and delivering a printed bulletin is putting a huge strain on the NYCC board and members. Let's not lose sight of the reason for NYCC's get together with other folks and ride, socialise and have fun. If the printed bulletin is bringing the club down, then let's all support the NYCC Board while they nudge us in the right direction.

Please, vote at the any election, that's where it counts. But keep this thread going. It's interesting and should be permanently archived so members years from now can have the opportunity to see how the club decided it's own direction.

Fascinating club...great message board!

- Fungus

Anonymous's picture
Hazelnut (not verified)
I love... when old technology dies hard.

Hazel Nut

cycling trips