Saturday 4/21 Ride to Piermont

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  • Saturday 4/21 Ride to Piermont
22 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

OK, this was suggested last week. Let's try again this week, as the weather should be perfect. Not a leader, just a rider. 9AM at Engineer's Gate. I have a cue sheet, or someone else can suggest an alternate route. Pace is B-15.

Anonymous's picture
Carol Waaser (not verified)

You just became a leader -- congratulations. Ain't nothin' to it!

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
Born into this (not)

Wanted to make clear that I am just a guy with a cue sheet. I will get out of the way for anyone who wants the moniker....

Anonymous's picture
Kim Jenkins (not verified)


Like Carol said, this makes you a leader. Look at my Wed morning River Road rides, you are motivating others to get out and ride!

If I wasn't already committed to the A-19, I would ride with your group.

Anonymous's picture
David (not verified)

How many miles will it cover and is there an estimated return time?

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
Distance, etc.

About 46 Miles, based on the cue sheet. No planned return time. Maybe 2pm.

Anonymous's picture
Julie (not verified)
I'm in!

I'm glad you took the initiative this week - now it's not my fault if we get lost ;)
Went part of the way to Piermont last weekend; we shouldn't have any problems finding our way. Last week I listed the ride as a B15 - is that in your speed zone?

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
B-15 it is

Would be nice if I put a pace down, eh? Sometimes, it is the Blind leading the Blind.....

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)

Looks like it is Just Us....

Anonymous's picture
Karen (not verified)

Hi there,
I'd like to join in too, if I might ... B-15 pace sounds perfect. Are you planning to take River Road? Just curious ... I'll go any route.

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
The Route

Mostly 501 and interiors. I will see if I can get the cue sheet out this evening.

Almost a semi-quorum...

Anonymous's picture
Betsy Hafkin (not verified)

There's (supposedly) a detour on 501 at Homan's Ave. The cue sheet may bypass that, but I'm not sure.

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)

Thanks for the heads up, Betsy.

Looks like my cue sheet doesn't make the left when 501 turns, but goes straight onto Anderson, crosses Homans to the east, takes Hickory, and then rejoins County (501) above the intersection.

UPDATE: The road (501) is completely out at Homans. Anderson to Hickory is the way to go (up and back).

Other detours exist north of there, but they are passable by bike.

Anonymous's picture
Betsy Hafkin (not verified)
That sounds about right.

Have a good ride.

Anonymous's picture
FC (not verified)
engineers gate

I will try and make it. Engineers gate is in CP on the East Side isn't it?

Anonymous's picture
Joe S. (not verified)

Yes, at E. 90th St. entrance to CP

Anonymous's picture
Burt (not verified)
I'll be there too. (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
Cue Sheet Posted

"Here it is:

Piermont Ride


Anonymous's picture
Betsy Hafkin (not verified)
Where'd you get that?

That looks suspiciously like one of my cue sheets. Are you the Steve I was supposed to lead a ride with last year?

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)

One in the same. How are you?

Anonymous's picture
Karen (not verified)
Great day

"Hope you guys had a great ride - what a perfect day. Sorry I wasn't able to catch up after all - I was only able to get my seat fixed by noon.

If you're planning another ""leaderless"" B ride next weekend, please post again or send an e-mail. I'd like to join along.


Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
Next Time, better threads

Sorry you could not make it. Will keep you posted, Karen. It was a great day in the saddle!

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
That Detour

The road (501) is completely out at Homans. Anderson to Hickory is the way to go (up and back).

Other detours exist north of there, but they are passable by bike.

cycling trips