Perspective Question

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Anonymous's picture

A perspective question.

Has any other NYCC member died on a club ride because of health reasons?

I ask to help give some perspective for members of the B-SIG.

Anonymous's picture
Nick Trippel (not verified)

I'm not sure if this comment is apropos for this thread, but this reminds me of an article in the NY Times a couple of years ago about the death of a number of noted runners, including Jim Fixx, from coronary problems. The Times spoke to a number of doctors who observed that while the OVERALL risk of a heart attack is lower among runners (and this should apply to other cardio sports like cycling) than the general population, the actual probabability of having a heart attack is greatest when running given the stress that it puts on the heart. So when you are actually running (or cycling) you are more likely to have a heart attack than the couch potato smoking on his sofa with a bag of chips, the rest of the time however you are far less likely to have a heart attack than the sedentary slouch.

Anonymous's picture
Ron (not verified)

Is that right, or did you mean to say that one's risk of a heart attack is greatest when doing cardio versus during non-cardio activity? This could well mean that the cardio individual, even while doing cardio, may be at less risk than the slob munching on Nachos with a smoke while sitting on his couch.

Anonymous's picture
Nick Trippel (not verified)
Worse off than the slobs - WHEN exercising

"CETERIS PARIBUS - which they never are - as I understood the article, in the period when they are exercising, the cardio person has a greater likelihood than the non-cardio ""cohort"" of having a heart attack.

Think of it in the following grossly oversimplified HYPOTHETICAL terms.

Let's say that in any given hour of the day, that in a population of 1,000,000 50-year old men who do NOT regularly exercise there will be one heart attack every hour. So in a 24 hour period there will be a total of (1 heart attack per hour x 24 hours = 24 heart attacks) 24 heart attacks.

Now, let's say that in any given hour of the day, that in a population of 1,000,000 50-year old men who DO REGULARLY exercise one hour a day there will be 0.75 heart attacks every hour when they are not exercising. In the hour each day when they exercise however, the number of heart attacks go up to 3 per hour. Doing the math (23 hours x 0.75 per hour + 1 hour x 3 per hour = 20.25) we see that OVERALL, the people that exercise have fewer heart attacks, but in the time when they are exercising exercisers have more heart attacks than their sedentary cohort.

Pretending that heart attacks are random across time-of-day (which they aren't), let's ASSUME that all the exercisers exercise from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM each day. If our entire population were the 2,000,0000 men previously mentioned, the hospitals could then expect that from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, that they will have a far greater likelihoood of receiving heart attack patients who exercise. The other 23 hours of the day, they would expect to receive more non-exercisers. Overall, more non-exercisers would succumb to heart attacks
(24 > 20.25), but exercisers would still die more frequently than non-exercisers WHILE exercising.


Anonymous's picture
el jefe (not verified)
In the last 30 years?

Sometime in the mid-late 70's a club member died on his way home from a club ride. I no longer have any of the details. He might have been hit by a car. He lived in Westchester and the Kingsland Point All Class Ride was named in his memory. I don't know if the club has continued that tradition in recent years.
afaik, there were no other deaths on a club ride. I don't know if anyone has any club records going back further than that.

Anonymous's picture
rtd (not verified)
many club members ended up w/ broken hearts not heart attack
cycling trips