Saturday 4/14 Ride to Piermont

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  • Saturday 4/14 Ride to Piermont
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Anonymous's picture

Apparently following someone to Piermont who doesn’t know how to get there didn’t appeal to many people. Due to no definite takers for the ride, I’m canceling for tomorrow, but hope we can get some more B14-16 rides going soon!

Anonymous's picture
Betsy Hafkin (not verified)
Check the Ride Library

There's a cue sheet for Piermont in the ride library. I'm doing a SIG otherwise I'd help out. Have fun.

Anonymous's picture
Don (not verified)
Saturday B15 from Boathouse

Hi Julie,

I saw your posting for a B15 to Piermont. I would like to tag along if that's OK. I average about 17mph for 5 laps aropund central park, but I have never done a group ride or any of the routes outside of Manhattan so I can't help you lead.

Anonymous's picture
Joe S. (not verified)
Anyone want to lead a B ride?

Seems like there are a couple of B riders looking for someone to lead them up to Piermont.

Indeed, there is a huge gap in slower-paced non-SIG rides this weekend - C11/12 STS to B17 STS with nothing to fill the gap. I would help out but I've got a SIG.

Any non-Siggies want to lead a mid-paced B ride to the promised land of Piermont?

Anonymous's picture
Kay Gunn (not verified)
B rides

Yes, please...I'd love to see some more B rides listed. It's always tough during SIG season. Most of the B ride leaders are either SIG participants or SIG leaders. I'd love to see some new people step up to lead some rides. I try to list rides when I can, but the brevet season started on April 1st, and that's taking most of my weekends in April and May.

If you are interested in leading any B rides and need any help or encouragement, please contact me and I'll do all I can to help you.

Kay Gunn
B-rides Coordinator

Anonymous's picture
hindy schachter (not verified)
B rides

I can't help this week-end but next Sunday, April 22, my husband and I are leading a ride billed as B 14-16. We split into two groups after reaching Scarsdale. The slower return group is set for people who go about 14 mph on the flats.

Anonymous's picture
John K. (not verified)
Nyack instead?

Being new to the club, I used the Ride Library for a cue sheet to Piermont a few weeks ago, and it worked out great. Tomorrow I'm going to try the ride to Nyack, probably leaving Central Park area by 8:30. So, Julie and/or Don, if you're interested in joining a newwcomer with no group riding skills but a good sense of direction, respond on this thread. I'll check it in the am.

Anonymous's picture
Don (not verified)
Ride to Nyack

Dear John,

I saw your posting, I'm interested but I can't get to the boathouse before 9. I'll check the message board around 7:30 to see if that's OK.

Anonymous's picture
John K. (not verified)

ok, see you at 9.

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