4/2/07 GWB - Northside Bike Path Condition

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  • 4/2/07 GWB - Northside Bike Path Condition
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Anonymous's picture

Is the Southside finally closed today (4/2)for renovation?

What time does the GWB Northside path open& close?

Did they clean-up the GWB Northside path?


Anonymous's picture
RichNYC (not verified)

Also, if someone could point me to a map, or quick instructions how to get on the north sidewalk. I only used south side sofar;) Thanks.

PS: I checked the Port Authority, Transportation Alternatives and Ken Robert's websites. No mention of how to access it:(

Anonymous's picture
Marcia (not verified)
north by northwest

Just stay on Ft. Wash. Ave & make first left onto GW ramp after going under tunnel/~179th-180th St. Avoid first flight of steps by riding up as far as is obvious; lift bike over concrete barrier & riding up to second set.
It was fine today, although the north path does have a bit more debris on it.

Anonymous's picture
Jeff D (not verified)

The southside crossing is definitely closed

Anonymous's picture
carl (not verified)

Rode the northside path today. It was fine.

Anonymous's picture
carl (not verified)

North on Fort Washington, go past the Port Authority, then left on W179th (careful, as traffic also feeds into the bridge here). Keep right of the ramp, and a few yards you'll see the stairs on the left to the path.

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