Memorial Day Weekend

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Anonymous's picture

Is it possible to get around during the Memorial Day Weekend without a car? Stayed at the Days Inn last year and didn't need one, but would like to stay someplace else this year.

Anonymous's picture
zac (not verified)

You won't need a car only if you stay in Great Barrington, where there is enough to do in town that you could get by. Anywhere else up there and you'd be stuck at your hotel/inn which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If you stay with the group of other riders at Race Brook Lodge it could be nice. I've stayed there a number of times, but not with the club.

Anonymous's picture
Eva Wirth (not verified)
Enterprise Car rental

There is an Enterprise car rental in Great Barrington. They will come to your B&B with the car. You can rent a car from them for the weekend. This works if you can get another member to shuttle your luggage back and forth and ride your bike form the train station. Send me an email if you have any other questions.

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