Skiing at Hunter Saturday?

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Anonymous's picture

I suppose it is a bit late to post something like this, but I'll give it a shot. I don't have a car, but I'd be more than willing to share expenses (and driving, if so desired) with 1 or more others who have access to one and would want to do a day trip. If anyone has the urge, send me an email and let's see if we can put it together.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
How was it?


Anonymous's picture
Minda (not verified)

If weather is snowy again over the next month or so, and anyone's up for snowboarding up at Hunter or other local spots, let me know.

Anonymous's picture
Ron Roth (not verified)
it wasn't !!

"I knew that I was late in getting a post up. It was a long shot that someone would get back to me in time for us to put it together for today. I also knew I had enough things to do that I probably shouldn't do a bus trip either. Perhaps those of us who ski and are NYCC members should consider putting together a skiers list for next winter to make it easier to get in contact with like minded souls who might be inclined toward sliding during the (mostly) off season.
Btw - I believe they got around 12-14"" up there. Must have been quite a day"

Anonymous's picture
batnib (not verified)

I'm new to the club (actually a year old, but this will be my first year doing anything)...I keep a car in Manhattan with space for three people....and make regular trips up to Windham and Hunter (or as often as I can, since cycling isn't fun with the windchill) I'd be happy to coordinate with folks in the future. I missed this message yesterday--otherwise I would've gone with you (and been happy to drive). BB

There is less space in my car when you figure in equipment--but I'd be willing to invest in a ski rack, if there is a group that'd be interested in heading up together next winter.

cycling trips