GWB report anyone??

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  • GWB report anyone??
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Steve (not verified)

Is 9W and River Road ridable?

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Mordecai Silver (not verified)
Less ambitiously, I ask..

Is Central Park or Prospect Park rideable?

Anonymous's picture
Nick Trippel (not verified)

I rode the CP loop at about 10 AM this morning and it was in pretty good shape. There's snow in the running lane in a good portion of the park, but the bike lane and street is generally clear, if not a bit damp in spots. The park itself, with a blanket of white, is spectacular. Makes you kind of glad to live in this crazy place.

Anonymous's picture
Jonathan (not verified)
Prospect Park

PP is clear and mostly dry (at least compared to the surrounding roads).

Anonymous's picture
E-man (not verified)

Central Park was almost entirely dry today and clear for riding.

Anonymous's picture
Rob (not verified)
GWB report anyone??

I walked over it this morning about 11:00am. The south side is closed. The North side is open but it's very slushy and chock full of puddles. If you go, ride a bike you don't care about. It's gonna get messed up.

Anonymous's picture
Jay (not verified)
Piermont area report

The main roads (9W, etc.) are almost all dry. The roads are much narrower due to ice and snow on the sides. There are some icy/snowy spots on the secondary roads where snow plows left it.

The water which results from melting snow may run into the the road and become ice at night and in the next AM.

Be careful.

Anonymous's picture
Fred Steinberg (not verified)
GWB & River Road

"Rode over the GWB this afternoon:

The south path is clear and a continuous puddle. An overnight freeze will make it very interesting.

River Road is clear to the Ross dock area (1st mile), then 2-4"" of lovely snow up to the Engelwood boat basin. The climb up to the 505 exit is clear. That's as far as I got as a mountain biker climbing up from the opposite direction warned that my 35mm tires weren't enough. He said it's all snow up to the Alpine climb which is clear. (He was correct, the return south on easy grades was tough on 35mm tires).

So a mountain biker will have a great ride north on River Rd, as the tough climbs are clear, southbound would be very rough workout.


Anonymous's picture
rjb (not verified)

excellent info - thanks fred!

cycling trips