saturday's b-sig preview ride -- watch the message board

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  • saturday's b-sig preview ride -- watch the message board
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Anonymous's picture

we're monitoring the forecast for saturday's b-sig preview ride ... keep an eye on the message board. we'll post a go/no-go tonight or by 7:30am saturday morning. we're concerned about low temperatures and possible snow accumulation overnight in the hartsdale area. our rain date is sunday, but sunday's forecast looks to be even colder.

cancels: (1) precipitation or serious threat of precipitation, (2) wet or icy roads, or (3) high temperature forecast for the day below 35 degrees.

Anonymous's picture
steve chabra (not verified)

regrettably, we are cancelling. temps will be below 35 and there will be a cold wind all day, so the wind chill will be nasty. we will not ride on our rain date, sunday 2/4 either, as the forecast is even colder. sorry, folks.

linda, paul, & steve

Anonymous's picture
valli mcroberts (not verified)
b-sig preview ride

Will you keep trying to find a weekend for this ride, weather permitting? thanks,

Anonymous's picture
steve chabra (not verified)

not sure if the leader's schedules will allow ... but if we can squeeze it in before the sig starts on march 3, we'll post to the message board. thanks.

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