Fixed Gear Bike For Sale

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Anonymous's picture

I have a (2004?) 55 cm Pista in great condition. I was going to use as a commuter bike, but have decided to sell instead. It has a front brake on a set of road bars. I will also throw in the original track bars/stem.
Contact me off the board

Anonymous's picture
JIM N (not verified)

This is a Bianchi Pista? No offense, but don't they sell for about $500 new?

Anonymous's picture
JHL (not verified)
"hmmmm.....Must be a ""vintage"" year ..."

But it's a bike - not wine ;-)

Anonymous's picture
Pista (not verified)
Is this my old pista?

I had this same exact bike that I sold to a guy named Bill. I wonder if it is the same bike. I do not remember what I sold it to him for. I think it was like $350, but I have no way of confirming this.

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