Sunday's C13/14

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Anonymous's picture

Central Park Boathouse @ 9:00 AM.

The Park will be exceptionally congested early Sunday morning due to a NY Roadrunner Club race so leave yourself extra time to get there. And be careful, walk your bike across the road if necessary.

Remember to check message board Sunday morning after 7:00 AM to confirm ride is on. Weather forecast suggests it may be brisk so layer accordingly.

Anonymous's picture
Gary McGraime (not verified)
C 13/14 too cold

Temps will only climb to 30 degrees by noon and it may be partly cloudy making it feel even colder, buuurrr!

Let's try it again... we'll post it week after next.

Anonymous's picture
Dennis Wiener (not verified)

guess I'll have to put the bike back on the trainer

cycling trips