Legislation to license bikes

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Anonymous's picture

"New York State Assemblyman Jonathan Bing (East Side, Manhattan) says in a newsletter to his constituents he is introducing legislation (A9900) that, in his own words:

""A. 9900 - Requires all delivery and commercial bicycles to be registered with the DMV and insured, and requires operators of such bicycles to possess a form of identification.""

Frankly, I think blatant disregard by commercial cyclists and restaurant delivery people, not only for the law but also for pedestrians who are trying to cross the street or just walk peaceably on the sidewalk has brought this on.

On West 36th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, for example, there are two bicycle messenger businesses. The messengers seem to make a sport of riding down the sidewalk and near-missing pedestrians.

But I think the reaction on this board may be interesting. I eagerly wait to see what follows.

""Propose a law, stir up the masses. Be prepared to call out the secret police next.""
--Klevic the Commissar

Your Pal,
E. Dwayne Shredloe"

Anonymous's picture
RichardFernandez (not verified)

Sounds like someone wasnt hugged when he was a child.Dont be shy everyone needs a hug sometime.Shheeeeshhh this city is filled with angry people.

Anonymous's picture
Somebody (not verified)
Regarding the above


Anonymous's picture
Richard Fernandez (not verified)

Sorry I was refering to the assemblyman.Rich

Anonymous's picture
Jim N (not verified)
A side effect...

"would be that bike theft would decrease dramatically, if commercial bicycles had to be registered with the DMV.

By the way, Madeline Provenzano (City Councilwoman) was calling for bicycle licensing last year. She should get togther with the Assemblyman.


Anonymous's picture
David (not verified)
I think this a good idea

These guys are out of control and cause general ill will towards cyclists. Someone gets whacked by one of these guys (who knows probably once every 15 seconds) and there is no insurance? We are taking about money making business operating without any regard to what happens to innocent bystanders. While we are it throw in the pedicabs.

Anonymous's picture
Richard Fernandez (not verified)

Yeah its a good idea if your business is insurance.As far as the few that act like fools,maybey someone should write them a letter and give them your thoughts and perspective.Rich

Anonymous's picture
Somebody (not verified)
I was hoping against hope somebody would say...

"...that with the exception of insurance, we have laws to stop these wantonly dangerous bicycle cowboys anyway. The problem is, they aren't enforced.

On the block referred to in my first post, cops could make 10 busts in a day, if they felt like it. But nah. It's easier to round up and jail a ragtag bunch of Time's Up demonstrators. Or ticket NYCC group rides to Nyack. Or demand they have a parade permit to ride together.

""Never give them an aspirin for an aching elbow when you can cut off the elbow.""
--Zawbonisch the Surgeon

Your Pal,

Anonymous's picture
Sonny (not verified)
There is Insurance

There is insurance for bike messengers and the like. Assuming that a business has liability insurance (which every business should), if you are hurt by a messenger or delivery person, you are able to sue his/her employer. As a general matter, any negligence that results in injury caused by an employee while performing his/her duties of employment, is chargeable to the employer.

Anonymous's picture
April (not verified)

So what if they have a law? What's to compell the restaruants to register their bikes?

I'd say half of delivery people are not authorized to work. They're already breaking the law by doing delivery in the first place and the owner of the establishment the same for hiring them. They aren't going to pay any attention to yet another law that they have to ignore.

cycling trips