Should I ride today, or stay in bed?

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  • Should I ride today, or stay in bed?
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Anonymous's picture


""More people are injured by wheelchairs than by lawnmowers, the abstract reports. Bicycles are involved in more accidents than any other consumer product, but beds rank a close second.

""Most of the statistical tables, which come from a variety of government and other sources, are presented raw, without caveats; and because the abstract is so concrete, the statistics can suggest false precision. The table of consumer products involved in injuries does not explain, for example, that one reason nearly as many injuries involve beds as bicycles is that more people use beds."""

Anonymous's picture
. (not verified)

. [submitted by troll]

Anonymous's picture
rob (not verified)

"What the heck is a ""consumer product?"" Simply sometihng one buys? I bet more people are injured in shoes than on bicycles. Less people are injured playing Gameboy, but their bodies and minds atrophy. The entire notion is simply absurd."

Anonymous's picture
Sienna (not verified)
it depends

"Well, what exactly are these bed-related ""accidents""? Pulled muscles? Unplanned pregnancies?"

Anonymous's picture
janet (not verified)
"falling out of bed/geriatric or child ""bed-related"" accident"
Anonymous's picture
hal eskenazi (not verified)
Tough question? Simple answer!

Should I ride today, or stay in bed?
forget about comparing “consumer products” and getting yourself crazy with meaningless statistics.
The answer to your question is a simple, no brainer.
It depends on who you are in bed with.

Anonymous's picture
Mordecai Silver (not verified)
"""It depends on who you are in bed with"""

"What if you sleep with your bicycle?

""As a kid, I had a dream - I wanted to own my own bicycle. When I got the bicycle, I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool... Most kids left their bikes in the backyard at night. Not me. I insisted on taking mine indoors and the first night I even kept it in my bed.""
--John Lennon

Anonymous's picture
Bill Vojtech (not verified)

I once heard that sleeping with boney fashion models was like going to bed with a bicycle.

Anonymous's picture
[email protected] (not verified)
"""It depends on who you are in bed with"""

And if you're pacelining ...

Anonymous's picture
Adam Pollock (not verified)
ribcap after dark


Ribcap: it's not just for cycling."

cycling trips