Central Park Road Grit

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Anonymous's picture

What is on the road in Central Park at Cat Hill? It totally ate up my tires today. Did the Road Runners put down some kind of grit to prevent people from slipping on the hill?

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Hannah (not verified)
Gatorade residue (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Christophe Jammet (not verified)

might be leftover rubber from all the runners yesterday. either way, it's all over my tires and its icky.

Anonymous's picture
Rob (not verified)
Central Park Road Grit

It's going to start raining in a few hours and that will probably fix it. I'm glad the marathon was so successful, but apparently the race organization's mothers didn't teach them how to clean up after themselves. This stuff isn't much of a problem but, after weeks of putting up with their preparation, it feels like the addition of insult to injury.

Anonymous's picture
google (not verified)
Gatorade for sure

I passed through 3 aid stations on my way into CP in the am and they were sticky as well.

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