River Road Ride Saturday canceled: Rain & Wind

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  • River Road Ride Saturday canceled: Rain & Wind
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Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Sue Foster (not verified)
Sat A-19 River Road

Sorry your ride had to be cancelled, Richard.
Happy Birthday anyway!!!

Anonymous's picture
Susan R (not verified)
Ohhhh la la, is this your B-day, Richard?

Then happy . . . 39th, is it?


Anonymous's picture
Richard Rosenthal (not verified)
Now that my cover was blown, in the spirt of full disclosure...

Those of you who read my ride write-up read that I was obliging you to pull over just before reaching the top of any one hill you chose along the route and wait to let me pass you.

Now you know the reason: it was to have been my private joke and gift to myself - that I finally, at long last, beat someone/everyone to the top of some hill or another. The fact I had to engage in massive cheating to do so is of no consequence to me.

So here is the real meaning of my age (67): with fewer and fewer professional opportunities, more and more I think the only one that remains open to me is that of being a gigolo...except that I would have to take dance lessons and dance. Some things I will not do.

Another is get to the top of a hill before you without cheating.

Anonymous's picture
Claudette (not verified)
Happy 21st birthday!

Don't say a thing!

cycling trips