Early a.m. weekday Prospect Park ride: any interest?

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  • Early a.m. weekday Prospect Park ride: any interest?
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Anonymous's picture

I only recently joined the NYCC, and I've never been a ride leader, but I regularly ride in Prospect Park and I was thinking if I got a group together I might feel a lot more motivated to (a) get up early in the morning to ride and (b) keep riding in the winter months.

So I ask you: would anyone like to join me in a regularly scheduled ride, meeting I guess at the Grand Army Plaza entrance? We could make it a quick hour in the morning-- or two. We could start at 6 am or 7 am. My pace is A18-19. So we could maybe do 5 laps in under an hour or 10 laps in about two.

Anonymous's picture
John Miller (not verified)

I'll bite -- I'd be happy to meet in reasonable weather. Tomorrow, 10/23 seems perfectly reasonable.

I live on the Park Circle (Ocean Parkway/Coney Island Ave) end of the park.

You'll find a variably-sized peloton circling the park at about an 18-20 pace every Tuesday and Thursday from ~5a to 7ish. Have you seen them? We shouldn't hesitate to jump on if they pass by.

Confirm with me by e-mail? Looking forward to it.

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