Sun B18 River Rd/Bradley/Tweed/9W or River Rd. Back

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  • Sun B18 River Rd/Bradley/Tweed/9W or River Rd. Back
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Anonymous's picture

Sun B18 River Rd/Bradley/Tweed. Quick snack stop in Piermont. 9W back (with River Rd. if the mood strikes). Appx 55mi

9am meet Central Park Boathouse. Depart sharply 9:07am.

Good group riding safety skills requested.

For faster ride, look for Basil's A20+ ride. Same route, no stops. I believe he is starting from boathouse at the same time.


Anonymous's picture
Mike (not verified)
Count me in

Would love to join you if it's not too cold or raining.

-- Mike

Anonymous's picture
grace (not verified)

me too

cycling trips