how do you get rust out of the seat tube

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Anonymous's picture

I changed my seat post on a 4 year old steel (853) bike and noticed a fair amount of rust in the seat tube. How do I get rid of it. thanks

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
Are you sure it's rust?

A 4-year-old frame would almost certainly be treated inside with FrameSaver (brand or generic) which is a disgusting mess that often looks like rust.

What kind of frame? Can you find out from the mfr/distributor/bikeshop if it was treated?

Anonymous's picture
kj (not verified)

its just some orange looking powdery stuff

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
Still not enough info.

Internet diagnosis ain't easy.

Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)

Absent are comments about flaking or buckling paint on the seat tube. My internet diagnosis sez it's not a rust problem. Then again, you can wait a decade or perhaps two later and tell me I am wrong.

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