Thanks Ellen and Kay

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  • Thanks Ellen and Kay
4 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Thanks for a wonderful ride today; great pace, beautiful route. I look forward to riding with you again soon.

Anonymous's picture
grace (not verified)
Little Tor

Ditto Betsy's message. Plus: Great company, wonderful leaders and co-leaders. People make all the difference. Thank you all.

Anonymous's picture
Bob Ross (not verified)
Double ditto!, I mean Triple Ditto.

Anonymous's picture
kay gunn (not verified)
impromptu co-leaders Stephanie and Skip and Jay

Yesterday was a lot of fun. We had a great group. A very large group. A train of 25 made it to West Nyack. After clearing the bagel shop of all of its food Stephanie, Skip, and Jay cheerfully accepted being drafted into roles as co-leaders so we could split into 2 groups. Thanks again for helping out!

Anonymous's picture
Carol Waaser (not verified)
Is this a parade??

Note: under the proposed new NYPD rule, this ride would have required a parade permit (if it had started in the city, not on the Jersey side of the bridge). I point this out just to emphasize the need for each of you to contact your City Council Member and urge the Council to block the NYPD rule.

Thanks for getting involved

cycling trips