Calfornian offers Landis $100,000 to take polygraph test

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  • Calfornian offers Landis $100,000 to take polygraph test
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Anonymous's picture

[snip]I would like to offer to pay you $100,000 to take a polygraph test. The test would cover the 2006 Tour de France and your alleged use of banned drugs leading up to and during the event. We could agree to the questions before hand.[snip]

Anonymous's picture
don montalvo (not verified)
will he do it?
Anonymous's picture
Grischa Niermann (not verified)

Regardless if he is guilty or innocent, Floyd Landis would have to be totally insane to take this.

This whole affair is already crazy, why make it more of a circus.

Anonymous's picture
don montalvo (not verified)
if he's guilty, he should take it...

...because he'll be finished afterwards...and broke.


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