Lance visits L'Alpe d'Huez today

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  • Lance visits L'Alpe d'Huez today
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Anonymous's picture

so, the news is lance rode up his old nemesis today. anyone have the research skilz to find out his time?

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phil (not verified)

Divide the distance by 50

Anonymous's picture
Bill (not verified)
from velonews

"Lance Armstrong can be assured of a red-hot welcome in the Alps when he joins up with his Discovery Channel team Monday.

But this time, the 34-year-old Texan's exploits on the bike will not be the reason. The now retired seven-time winner hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons a few days ago when he labeled the French soccer team ""assholes.""

A cheery greeting for Monsieur Armstrong

And given some headlines and editorials in the French press ahead of his expected arrival, the American could find himself on a bumpy ride when he joins up with the team which he partly owns, Discovery Channel.

The newspaper France Soir took the most direct shot at the American with a headline on Monday which was equal to his outburst. ""Welcome to France, asshole!""


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