laps in cp tonight

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Anonymous's picture

Anyone up for braving the humidity (and maybe police) for some 20 MPH laps in CP tonight? Meet 7 PM. Departee' 7:05 PM

Anonymous's picture
Karol (not verified)

Hi Peter,

I already went running in the park today and unfortunately tonight I'm not around. Btw, there was a pack of fast bikers and it didn't look like they were too worried, though I did see a real patrol car making the rounds. In any event, a $50 fine is about the price of a good tire. So...


Anonymous's picture
Peter (not verified)

I just put two new tires on my bike this past weekend, so I'm already in ticket expense deficit. :)

Anonymous's picture
Chris Kohler (not verified)

If I can get my lazy butt off the couch (and get out of work in time) I should be there - the former is the hardest obstacle.

Anonymous's picture
Richard P. (not verified)

I'll be there tonight. Chris I'll see you there? (Late notice, I know.

Anonymous's picture
Mike Beckerman (not verified)

I'm in, if I pick up my bike from the shop in time.

Anonymous's picture
Peter (not verified)

If, If If... Pick up the bikes and the butts!

Anonymous's picture
Claudette (not verified)
Isn't there a club meeting tonight?

at 6:30? Or is that cancelled?

Anonymous's picture
aj (not verified)

It's not a requirement to attend any club function. Blondies event will be going on well past lap times.

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