
4 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Can anybody advise about some knee related concerns. I am new but ride pretty regularly since March (moving from C to B level). In addition to road riding, I started working out on a stationary bike and weight machines at the gym -- and after the last visit, when I was doing 110-120 rpm cadence for some time and lifting 175 lb with my legs, I experience slight burning sensations in my knees, nothing painful but a bit puzzling. Is it the beginning of the end, or just a slight overuse which will pass, or nothing to worry about at all? (I am trying to estimate my program for West Point weekend).

Anonymous's picture
phil (not verified)

"I am not well versed in anatomy or how it relates to cycling, but I remember a similar condition I had when I first started upping the ante on my cycling speed. I might have went too fast too fast (is that a pun?) because it looked like capillaries in my knees actually broke and the kneecaps were flushed and slightly ""burning"".

I'm not sure if this is the same condition, but it went away overnight -- I was 18-19 at the time."

Anonymous's picture
Chaim Caron (not verified)

Drink a lot of water. Water helps the body flush out the toxins. Be careful to stay hydrated. Also, a cadence of 110-120 might be a bit high, but I am not an expert here.

Anonymous's picture
Rick Braun (not verified)
knee issues

I have mine which includes chrondomalicia, a wearing away of the cartilage under the knee cap. One symptom of mine is burning under the knee cap after cycling. I'll be in West Point too. Find me for more details.

Anonymous's picture
Claudette (not verified)

"I'm an orthopedic surgeon and you can't take this as medical advice since I've never examined you, but, some common reasons for this:
1. Is the seat on your bike set so that you do not flex your knee more than 90 degrees? You should not hyperextend or hyperflex your knee during the pedaling cycle. It places undue stress on the underside of the kneecap and could cause burning, pain, fatigue and swelling.

2. When you say you are ""lifting"" 175 lbs with your legs, are you doing squats? These are the worst exercises for your knees. Better is a leg press or terminal knee extension exercises. And, it's not a matter of how much weight you lift, but how many reps you do with proper form. Also, make sure you don't flex beyond 90 degrees during any weight bearing exercise. You are just asking for trouble.

Other knee-killers are stair masters or stair climbers. Better cross training is the elliptical machine or swimming.

Obviously, if you have injured or twisted your knee, you ought to have someone check it before continuing on your program. Ligament injuries are not common with proper cycling technique, but sometimes other ""training"" activities can cause damage.

Hope this helps.

cycling trips