calling all '06 A-Siglets

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Anonymous's picture

I'd like to thank you all for your dedication and hard work this spring. Your gift was greatlly appreciated - especially as I don't have a TV, and other then the ocasional concert, alls I do is read & ride. and surely eat, and sleep a little less.
By the way I'm heading out west over the 4th weekend, any recommmendations for a good vaction book?
p.s.don't hesitate to call if you want to ride this summer.

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)

Siglet sounds like an insult: little, ineffectual pigelts. Sigger sounds nicer, don'tcha think?

Anonymous's picture
Neile (not verified)
"""Sigger sounds nicer, don'tcha think?"""

Umm ... maybe not.

30's ... Nuremburg?

50's ... Montgomery?

Anonymous's picture
Rick Braun (not verified)
What's in a name

I prefer SIGee.

Anonymous's picture
Christy Guzzetta (not verified)

Masters of the Universe

Anonymous's picture
terry (not verified)

Mea Cupla: I got the name from those higher then me. It was not meant as disrepectful, To save them any embarrassment I accept full responsiblity for my actions, and encourage you to think of a name for me.

Anonymous's picture
JP (not verified)


No mea culpa required. You had no mens rea.

As for some of for ""those higher"" than you ... (insert wise azz emoticon).



Anonymous's picture
. (not verified)

. [submitted by troll]

Anonymous's picture
Eazy-E (not verified)

"I prefer ""sigga."""

cycling trips