Sandy Hook

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I'm an A19 Sig rider who needs to sign up to lead some rides. I was thinking of leading one to Sandy Hook- I've been there before and it is beautiful- but am not sure of an ideal route to get there. I was thinking of riding down the NJ waterfront from the GWB, then crossing the Bayonne bridge into Staten Island (there is a ride listed in the archives for this portion), then crossing back into NJ via the Outerbridge (is this bike-accessible?), then over to Atlantic Highlands and Sandy Hook, with a return to Manhattan via ferry.

I'm planning on scouting this route before I lead it, but if someone has already figured out a nice route involving Sandy Hook (and I bet someone has) I'd really appreciate your advice.


Anonymous's picture
éN (not verified)
No sidewalk @ Outerbridge

"I hope this helps

""There is no sidewalk at the Outerbridge Crossing; therefore, there is no access for pedestrians and bicyclists.""

""The sidewalk at the Goethals Bridge is closed to all pedestrians. The sidewalk will be replaced as part of the Goethals Bridge Roadway Rehabilitation Project to be completed in late 2006."""

Anonymous's picture
Alfredo Garcia (not verified)
best wishes


The only ped/bike path bridge besides the Bayonne that goes to Jersey via Staten Island is the Goethals Bridge. The path has been closed since 1996. It's supposed to reopen later this year. I hope to do my own ride to Sandy Hook once the bridge is available. I plan to take the Staten Island ferry, ride to the bridge, have fun at the Hook and take the Seastreak ferry back to Manhattan.

Alternatives: take PATH to Newark and ride to the Hook from there. Drawback: riding in Newark is a little depressing; take a Seastreak ferry to Highlands, NJ on the weekends: Drawback: earliest boat leaves 11am; or look at maps and ride to the Hook from the Western side, avoiding Hudson County. It could be done, but the roads are very busy and fast.

There's an annual cycling time trial event at the Hook held by Highland Park Cyclery, in April.

In September, Bike NY has their annual Twin Lights event, which includes a century route going to Sandy Hook.

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Tony Rentschler (not verified)
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