racing in P. P.

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Anonymous's picture

There is a race scheduled for this weekend 5-13-06 @ 0645 in Prospect Park. does anyone know if the race goes rain or shine ?? I'd like to check it out, if I can get up that early...ciao

Anonymous's picture
somebody (not verified)

Rain or shine.

You'll want to be there a bit earlier, around 5:45~50am if you are planning to register and race.

Anonymous's picture
John Miller (not verified)

"Yes, it's rain or shine. I'll be there, wearing CRCA kit.

If you already have a yearly license, pre-registering at (look under ""Big Apple Bicycle Classic"") makes a difference of a few minutes, but if you're buying a one-day license, just bring exact change.

Sergei above is right about the time -- getting on line at 5:50am instead of 6am, when there are about 100 more people to register, will allow you to have a considerably better warmup -- and a warmup you will very definitely need. Without even the bump that is Harlem Hill in Central Park, Prospect Park is an outright drag race.

If you have to pin your own number, you will have to take off your jersey, so wear a base-layer undershirt and avoid the shivers. Clear or lightly tinted shades are advised -- I find a lot of debris gets kicked up in a pack, and there is likely to be a large puddle from the forecasted rain.

No, you don't really have to shave your legs ;).

Stay out of the wind -- and prepare to suffer. Have tons of fun."

Anonymous's picture
Tony Mantione (not verified)
P.P. racing

Thanks for the reply....NO !!! I was not considering racing, not @ my age, I just wanted to go and see the races. I'm in the park a lot and I thought that watching a race would be fun .. Hummmm do you think they might let me race in my 50 lb. 1972 Raleigh w/ internal 3 sp.hub??? It's a great street tank, perfect for running into opening car doors. One can really feel the difference riding around all week in that tank and then jumping on the Colnago,,,, Bada- bing ...Happy racing ,and good luck ........Ciao

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