Evening laps in Central Park

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Anonymous's picture

I will be out of town all of next week so I will not be able to lead any evening rides in the park. I will be back the week after so maybe someone else can step up (Mike, Peter, Jamie, Paul?) and lead it while I'm gone. FYI, when I am back, I don't wish to hammer around the park all night. These rides are meant for staying in shape for the longer Saturday rides.

Anonymous's picture
Mike (not verified)
Next Tuesday (4/11)

I'll be happy to lead the next ride on Tuesday, 4/11. Arrive at the Boathouse by 7:00 PM, Depart at 7:05 sharp.

Unlike last night's hammerfest, we'll target around 20 on the flats.

Anonymous's picture
Peter Brevett (not verified)

I'll do the Thursday night ride. Same time, same pace.

Anonymous's picture
Jamie (not verified)
Night rides

I am happy to step up and take part / lead these rides too, I think we should pass the message around that it is about high cadence in the small chain ring, which is what I am told mid week rides should focus more on, especially at this time of the season / year.
That will limit our speed and also mean that any 'extra's' that jump on will soon get tired of it an do thier own thing... or join in at our much safer pace and style :-)

Anonymous's picture
Mike (not verified)
We're on for tonight (A-20)

7 PM boathouse. Depart at 7:05. We can practice our double paceline skills at around 20 on the flats.

Anonymous's picture
Peter Brevett (not verified)

Meet at the Boathouse at 7 PM. Ride starts at 7:05. 20 MPH Maximum. No pushing up the speed. We don't want to attract a pack again. Paceline style depends on park traffic. Tuesday night we had to ride in a single because the park was fairly crowded.

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