c riders

2 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

missed out on c-sig. too crowded. can we get a group together for mornings in central park this spring for motivation. i know alot of others tried to get into c-sig, also and it was full.

respond here.

Anonymous's picture
sonia Ingram (not verified)
C rider looking

I am looking for someone who is a C rider with Sig Experience who would do training rides in the mornings or evenings for a group of us C riders? I am a C-12.

Anonymous's picture
maryellen (not verified)

"what times / days of the week are you thinking of? I would like to get to Central Park for 3-4 laps a few times a week, Mon-Thur, finishing no later than 8:30am in order to avoid the worst of the traffic. Last summer I rode by myself, but company could improve my show-up rates.

Also willing to ride to other locations as long as I can return to the CP area by 10:30am. Should warn that I have no sense of direction, though am capable of reading cue sheets . . .

email me off-list or reply to this thread
meett ""at"" aol.com"

cycling trips