B SIG 3/4/06 Classification Ride & Orientation

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16 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Is this Saturday if you pre-registered you should have received an email confirmation from B SIG records staff (me). If you have a ? re your status email me. You must have an official number to participate. Please dress for cold weather, lots of layers, (see page 7 of the Riders Guide that was sent to you). Help us out by having $6.00 ready (in exact change) to cover the cost of Lunch. Thanks...mark

Anonymous's picture
Todd (not verified)

looking forward to it. After the ride are we able to bring our bikes into the school for lunch and meeting? I prefer to not leave my bike outside in NYC locked or not locked.

Anonymous's picture
Michael Casey (not verified)
yes (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Mark Gelles (not verified)
B SIG Go/No go

"B SIG participants
We are all going to have to be patient & flexible (thanks to the Match weather gods). We have not made a finale decision about tomorrow, but because both Saturday & Sunday will be cold and windy we are leaning towards trying to get our 4 laps in on Saturday morning and then going directly to the cafeteria for our orientation. In any event dress for the cold.
This may change so keep watching this board………..mark

Anonymous's picture
Colleen (not verified)

Could someone PLEASE call me in the morning to let me know if this is on or not. 347-446-7969 Thanks!!!

Anonymous's picture
Todd (not verified)

As I have read some of the other messages concerning Saturday morning rides my only concern is icy roads. It looks like Sunday may be 5 degrees warmer or so allowing some melt time. I will make it to the orientation and ride either way

Anonymous's picture
Mark Gelles (not verified)
C.P. Loop

"Yes - we share your concern. The C.P. loop should be much better than back roads outside of the City (that is what the other message threads are talking about). In fact the B SIG will have ""scouts"" out this evening checking on the loop conditions.......mark"

Anonymous's picture
jenn (not verified)
scouting the loop

If possible, please post the decision tonight. All this talk of black ice on the other threads is not encouraging!

Anonymous's picture
Jennifer Silver (not verified)
bsig - please call or email

Being patient and flexible --- Love the sunday idea better - a few extra degrees and a little less wind will make a big difference and the ice is slippery on the way to the park.......
Can you please call me at also 917-337-5949 or send me an email at [email protected] --- i won't have access to the nycc website tonight..


Anonymous's picture
jc (not verified)
I vote for Sunday (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Mark Gelles (not verified)
B SIG is a GO for tomorrow

B SIG is a GO for tomorrow

The B SIG scouts have reported that the loop is OK. Please be carefull cycling into the park on your local street. See you 9:20 in the AM & once again dress for the cold..........mark

Anonymous's picture
jenn (not verified)

Thanks for posting tonight!

Anonymous's picture
dana (not verified)

it is quite cold and wind chill in the teens, is there any possibility of doing the laps tomorrow?

Anonymous's picture
jenn (not verified)
another vote for tomorrow

My vote is for Sunday, too.

Anonymous's picture
dana (not verified)
suggestions for extra warmth?

i believe my cold weather gear is only good for about 32 degrees if that, i have underarmour and hand and toe warmers, but an other suggestions? i also have wind booties and a wind cap for my helmet. thanks!

Anonymous's picture
jj (not verified)

Are we doing 4 lapse on 3/5. Is it still on for 10am at the boat house?could some one let me know.

Anonymous's picture
Ivy (not verified)

No. The 4 laps happened as scheduled yesterday. You should contact Mark Gelles to discuss whether it is possible to make up the laps.

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