Coloradan coming to NYC

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Anonymous's picture

I'm going to be in New York for a week starting Monday. Looks like you guys are getting dumped on right now. Will the roads likely be clear enough for riding by mid-week?

I was hoping to bring my bike and at least get some Central Park rides in. Or should I just plan on riding the stationary bike at the hotel?

Many thanks.

Anonymous's picture
af (not verified)
Roads should be cleared by Tuesday if forecast is correct.

"Still snowing late Sunday morning, with 16"" to 24"" predicted (classic ""nor'easter""). However, with the current forecast, and barring any more snow after Sunday, CP will be clear to ride by Tuesday, so no stationary bike required.

Many roads out of the city should also be passable by then, but will have snow on the shoulders (or puddles when it starts to melt - making it harder to see potholes).


Anonymous's picture
Robert Shay (not verified)
"15"" of snow in CT"

As of Sunday morning 9am, there is 15 inches of snow in Stamford, CT and they forecast another 4 to 6 inches before mid-day Sunday.

Roads may be clear in two days - or Tuesday.

Anonymous's picture
fendergal (not verified)

From my experience, the Central Park drive is not plowed as well as the main city streets. It will probably be mostly clear, with some patches of snow and/or ice. You may or may not be able to ride through these sections.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
Leave your bike at home.

What NYC laughingly calls snow removal is NOT what you're used to at home.

cycling trips