Sat. A19 ride anyone?

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  • Sat. A19 ride anyone?
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Anonymous's picture

Thinking of riding Saturday morning. A19 to Pearl River or Park Ridge, about 55 miles or so. Need to leave on the early side. 8:30 from the boathouse, back around 1:00ish. Anyone else interested?

Anonymous's picture
Steve Weiss (not verified)

8:30 at boathouse, I'll see you there.


Anonymous's picture
jim (not verified)

I'll try and meet you guys at the bridge at 9:10.

Anonymous's picture
Sue Foster (not verified)

We'll keep an eye out for you!

Anonymous's picture
Sue Foster (not verified)

Alright! We've got a taker. 8:30 at the boathouse it is!

Anonymous's picture
Steve (not verified)
Weather is not looking inviting

Are you still planning to go? Rain is forecast from 10 onward.

Anonymous's picture
Sue Foster (not verified)

Hi, Steve. Sorry I didn't post earlier. You were right to stay in. Terry, Paul and I headed up to the bridge, but it started snowing on us by the time we were at St. John the Divine. Jim, sorry if you waited in the snow for us. We went up to and over the bridge, but didn't get to the NJ side until almost 9:30. I then headed home and left Terry and Paul to venture on. See you next week at the Hogwich ride!

Anonymous's picture
jim (not verified)

Not a problem, I decided not to go out anyway.
Happy New Year.
See you next week.

cycling trips