Saturday 12/24 A Ride

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  • Saturday 12/24 A Ride
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Anonymous's picture
Anonymous there any interest in one?

Anonymous's picture
Sue Foster (not verified)

Yes. I was just thinking of posting an A19 ride possibility, but I need to be back by 1:00. I'm leaving from the boathouse tomorrow (Sat) at 8:30. Thinking of doing a meandering route to Piermont that would include Bradley/Tweed (need a bit of hills). Brief stop, then return on 501. Sound good?

Anonymous's picture
terry (not verified)
sat 12/24 ride a ride

I'd love to join ya'll - meet some new faces, instead of the grinchs that I usually see.

Anonymous's picture
Colleen (not verified)
another option

For those who want a later option we're leaving from Grant's Tomb (122nd/Riverside) at 10:00am for a Nyack run via Bradley/Tweed. Also an A19 pace.

Anonymous's picture
Aaron (not verified)

The 8:30 ride sounds great. I'll be there.

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