George Washington Bridge Pedestrian Closing?

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Anonymous's picture

Pedestrian walkway GWB closed/open?

Anonymous's picture
Anthony Poole (not verified)
Open on North Side

Open on north side only with all those stairs until mid October when the south side should reopen. Don't forget your cleat covers.

Anonymous's picture
Cat (not verified)
the silver (green) lining

"I know the stairs are a huge log-jamming pain. Those useless yellow tracks only slow everything down. And riding on the ""wrong"" side of the bridge is a slightly through-the-looking-glass experience. But, as long as this inconvenience is to be imposed on us, we might as well enjoy the change of scenery as we look north (peripherally, of course. Safety First!).
Trees, blue water, squirrels sunning themselves in the road, not to mention much less smog than to the south.

And while i'm thinking about the bridge, does anyone have any feelings on the matter of cycling/pedestrian lanes? There has been confusion ever since the lanes were re-designated. I feel that what works on the Brooklyn Bridge does not work on our narrow GWB path. Anyone know to whom would we address our comments in order to effect change?


Anonymous's picture
xxx (not verified)

I guess I am glad to hear those kinds of pedestrian/cycling lane configurations work somewhere, because they make absolutely no sense on the GWB, as far as I am concerned. It has boggled my mind, wondering what kind of an idiot came up with that 'safety' plan. Clearly they never walked the bridge span to observe pedestrians and cyclists attempting to utilize the walkway simultaneously. It is dangerous enough when everyone is (okay, at least the cyclists are) instinctively adhering to the 'rules of the road' that have been drummed into us in every other aspect of our lives.... throw these counter-intuitive (and basically impossible, anyway) designations into the mix, and oh boy.

Anonymous's picture
Ufatbasted (not verified)

I rode over Sunday Morning, and while the stairs are a log jam it was not as bad as I expected. I did not bring cleat covers. I liked the change in scenery from the North side.

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