Folding bikes

8 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

"Article in yesterday's paper about folding bikes for urban cycling."

Anonymous's picture
Anthony Poole (not verified)
The link just takes me to an advert

This link just took me to an advert with no article of any description.

Anonymous's picture
Evan Marks (not verified)
try this

You really have to fight hard to get past that ad.

Anonymous's picture
Lewis (not verified)
Stopped by an officer in the WTC PATH station last Friday

"I was stopped by a police officer in the WTC PATH station last Friday. He refused to let me and my 20"" Dahon to get through during Rush hour. I have been commuting on and off this way since the re-openning of the WTC PATH station. This is the first time I have any trouble. I called the PATH customer service and a guy told me that as long as the bike folds, I am good to go. However, the officer kept insisting that a bike is a bike and bikes are not allowed to get into the station during rush hours. I asked him politely to talk to the PATH employee but he refused. He even told me that he won't let me go through even if I put the bike into a bag.

Does anybody know where I can find some written information to confirm that folding bikes are indeed exceptions to the PATH bicycle rule?


Anonymous's picture
bob (not verified)
info :(


Looks like the cop may have been right.

Anonymous's picture
Mordecai Silver (not verified)
More from the Times
Anonymous's picture
el jefe (not verified)
and the writer is a SIG graduate (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Mordecai Silver (not verified)

"I just came up with this page:
(Scroll to the bottom.)

Quite an accomplished athlete."

Anonymous's picture
el jefe (not verified)
Stefani Jackenthal

Based on that bio, she was a B rider with the NYCC in 1990 and took the 1991 A SIG.

cycling trips