Looking for a Weekday Evening Ride

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Anonymous's picture

I'm pretty new to the cycling scene in New York, having moved here from Texas nearly two months ago. Are there any regular rides on weekday evenings around Manhattan or the Bronx, that do not require a fat tire? I often see fairly large groups of road cyclists at around 7pm near Riverside Drive. Anything happening tomorrow (Wednesday, 8/17) besides the regular UAR ride?


Anonymous's picture
Josh Gosciak (not verified)
info on a Wednesday ride, this evening

Ride with Trudy Hutter from Manhattan (at the entrance to Queensboro Bride, 59th St. & 2nd) to the velodrome in Queens. 25 miles. Meets at 5:30 sharp, tonight only. Bring lights.

Anonymous's picture
Mordecai Silver (not verified)
Wednesday ride

"I thought this ride will be repeated next week?

But I hope to be there today. Haven't been at Kissena yet this year, so it's about time."

cycling trips