pushing technology to the limit (url)

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Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Frenchie (not verified)

As impressive as this may seem, Major League Baseball's system (also all-Apple) dwarfs the one used for LeTour. The french may be a bunch of poseurs, but we know our baseball. Frenchie.

Anonymous's picture
Heath (not verified)

Do we really want to compare a baseball game to the Tour?

Anonymous's picture
Frenchie (not verified)
Who's comparing one sport against the other?

"The post was about digital video distribution systems. How did you read that as a comparison between the two different sports? -Frenchie ""Poseur"" Man"

Anonymous's picture
Heath (not verified)

What I meant..

I meant to compare the fact that baseball occurs in a stadium whereas the Tour is held on the roads of France. I would think it would be easier to have a better system set up in a venue that did not move, compared to a venue that is in constant motion.

****Also nothing really happens in baseball, so they have to do something to keep themselves busy!! :)

Could you post a link to the MLB system you are refering to. I tried google, but all I can find is stuff about the MLB and Sun

Anonymous's picture
don montalvo (not verified)
check this out
Anonymous's picture
Heath (not verified)
I am confused!

I am confused!

I know, this is nothing new.

The article about the system used during the Tour is talking about live/post production editing work. The info on the MLB is about internet distribution. One is an Apple based editing system where you can edit video while it is being recorded. One is a Sun system, using something called Artesia which seems to be a database system for digital media. We seem to be comparing apples to oranges.

For some reason, French TV2 made a deal for the tour that live video could only be streamed on their site. And to gain access to their site you needed a French proxy. This was possible using a proxy relay(I think that is what it is called) to gain access to the stream. I didn't bother, but I know there were people that did this.

I did read about MLB's internet ventures. They are definately pushing the technology in this realm.

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