Tuesday July 26 Early A/B 18ish

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  • Tuesday July 26 Early A/B 18ish
4 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture

Looks like a good day tomorrow for an early spin to Piermont/Nyack. We'll leave by 7am and return by 11am. Short stop for a snack and roll into work before noon. Post here or email to confirm.

Anonymous's picture
Katie (not verified)

the man that is as busy than a one armed paper hanger is taking the morning off and I can't make it!



maybe again soon......

Anonymous's picture
Bob Mirell (not verified)

aww katie...too bad...the reunion would have been fun. Next time for sure and I'll try to give a little more than 12 hours notice.

Anonymous's picture
Bob Mirell (not verified)
Tuesday ride

Meeting at the Boathouse at 7am prompt

Anonymous's picture
Bob Mirell (not verified)


cycling trips