New Book - "A Significant Other"

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Anonymous's picture

I just found this book in Barnes and Noble's today. I haven't started it yet, but it looks interesting. It is a story of the 2003 Tour told through Victor Hugo Pena.

Anonymous's picture
J K Bundy (not verified)
A Significant Other - 'life as a pro bike domestique'

I received the book last year as a Christmas present. It's a very good read. The book is not just biographical; it also has some very interesting tour history - i.e., how the rules have changed over the years with repsect to the use of soigneurs and riders getting assistance during the race.

Anonymous's picture
Maggie Schwarz (not verified)
Speaking of Pena...

Was he in the Tour? The Giro? What team is he on now?

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Heath (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Heath (not verified)


""In April, Phonak's Victor Hugo Peña fractured one of his thoracic vertebrae during Paris-Roubaix. ""

More info in the article on the site"

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