Peaceful Ride without ANY traffic

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A friend and I knew that we would not be able to fit a ride on Sunday. Of course even though Saturday was beautiful, our family commitments also prevented our riding.

Well, since I am the city rider and he the Westchester rider I had an idea. Why not hitting Central Park at night rather that watch the television and kids would be settled in bed.

Arriving about 9:30 pm and finding a parking spot right away we unloaded our bikes. Entering at 96th street the quiet of the park was chilling. Not a car, a runner, a skater, another cyclist or even a squirrel were visable on the road. The beautiful glow of the moon and the eastside view were picture postcard worthy.

The carriages on the south end made their way slowly through their laps, unfourtunately dropping some samples of their engine works on the road.

Lap after lap we could not figure why we were the only ones with this idea, our private Park for 2 hours.
We looked at each other with the obvious answer, .....SHHHH don't tell a soul.


Anonymous's picture
Ross (not verified)

I'd thought about this as I live v close to the park - is it safe enough after dark on the main loop? What about lights - is the loop lit at night?


Anonymous's picture
Rob (not verified)

There is enough light assuming you have a good feel for the loop during the day light. In other words the road bumps, ruts etc. are still there.

I usually commute up to Riverdale after dark and ubderstand what it feels like to ride in poorly illuminated roadways.

I would suggest blinking lights on the front and back. Maybe a headlight , but I commute without one. However in winter I use it to help cars see me better.

As far as safety from my fellow New Yorkers. I suggest Riding in Pairs, but saw several police scooters and patrol cars.

Better safe than sorry.


cycling trips