Bash Bish climb

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Anonymous's picture

Good news: the bash bish climb in the Berkshires is currently being repaired/repaved. It should be completed by the end of the month.
Would anybody know how steep the section is just before the second parking lot coming up from the New York site?

Anonymous's picture
bomberpete (not verified)
Bash Bish climb

I don't have the grade percentages, but it's STEEP! Steeper than Bear Mountain, if that's a reasonable basis. I couldn't get more than 5 mph at the hardest points. I was cursed at least twice by my fellow rider that day. Still, it's a great place. I was there three weekends ago.

Anonymous's picture
fred steinberg (not verified)
bash bish grade%

My Polar HRM shows an average of about 10% for the last mile up to the parking lot with three very steep pitches in that mile which look like 12.5~15%, much steeper than Perkins any day of the week.

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