bike cover

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Anonymous's picture

Does anybody know of shops/e-stores that sell covers for bikes. Don't have room in the apt for all the bikes and would like to keep one on my back patio. Haven't really looked much yet, but could always buy a tarp if they don't. thanks

Anonymous's picture
Rob (not verified)

I thought the same thing and bought a lightweight
bike cover once. The winds, cold and rain made it into carbage within 5-6 months. Of course it gets real dirty
and flaps in the wind.

I did not buy my other idea and that was a motorcycle cover.

They sell them on ebay for under $50 and usually are made with heavy canvas or nylon. They also have grommets that will allow you to bungy cord the botton to keep your
bottom , fears etc clean(er).

good luck

Anonymous's picture
banky (not verified)

Nashbars sells one for $19.99.

cycling trips