Non-West Point rides Sunday & Monday?

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  • Non-West Point rides Sunday & Monday?
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Anonymous's picture

Wasn't there a Nassau Beaches ride Sunday or Monday, or was that just wishful thinking?

Anonymous's picture
af (not verified)
I saw one too

Think Neile Weismann had such a ride listed. You might look at his White Plains ride for his email and check with him.

Anonymous's picture
debbi (not verified)
sun mon rides fyi

"The email I received from Neile: I have enjoyed his rides.

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:50:38 -0400
Subject: July 3&4 bike rides
From: NEILE [email protected]

1) Am scheduled to lead two rides this weekend, so please take it easy
on me. :)

Rides are similar to what I've done before but will try some subtle
variation in routing and break/lunch points to keep it fresh. As
always, check the NYCC boards on the morning of the ride status.

Plains of White #4
B16 - 65+ miles

Meets 10:00 AM at 23rd Street & First Avenue

We spin up from lower Manhattan, skate sideways through the Bronx and
work our way through Westchester for an ice coffee and rest stop. Then
we ""suburban adventure"" our way back to lower Manhattan. Bring the
usual plus a Metro North/LIRR pass if you may need to bail. RSVP,
particularly if you want to meet further uptown.

Beaches of Nassau
B16 - 65 miles

Meets: 10:00 AM - 23rd Street & First Avenue

We ride to Oceanside; then south to Long Beach and west to Atlantic and
Rockaway Beaches. We work our way up the bottom and left side of
Brooklyn. Ride ends at the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge. No
great hills to speak of, though proximity to the ocean could provide
(cooling) headwinds. Bring the usual plus a Metro North/LIRR pass in
case you need to bail. We stop for a lunch at Long Beach.



cycling trips