Trek Navigator 100 or Hybrid 7100

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  • Trek Navigator 100 or Hybrid 7100
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Anonymous's picture

I have a gift certificate to claim two 90% pre assembled trek bikes from Zanes bicycles (they have asked for height and inseam). The models that my wife and I can choose from are Navigator 100 or Hybrid 700. What is good for biking in New York?

we have never biked before except maybe once on holiday and would like some advice.

Anonymous's picture
Christian Edstrom (not verified)


The Navigator 100 and Hybrid 700 use most of the same components and seem very similar in most respects. The biggest difference is that the Hybrid 700 uses a slightly larger wheel (diameter) than the Navigator. As a very broad generalization, that might make the Hybrid 700 just a tiny bit faster.

The following page will let you compare them side to side:

Other than that, make sure you get one that fits -- and enjoy it -- either one should give you years of nice riding!

- Christian

Anonymous's picture
HC (not verified)

Thanks Christian, thats very helpful

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