TDF performance jump: drugs or something else?

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  • TDF performance jump: drugs or something else?
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Anonymous's picture

Those who remember Michael Shermer from his RAAM days and want to see what he's up to, check this out:

Anonymous's picture
Hank Schiffman (not verified)
Good stuff!

Michael Shermer is a bright light in this world of encroaching darkness. And he is a biking hero.

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jersey guy (not verified)
So what's the answer? Did EPO change the Tour in 1991?

"I'm assuming that three-time Tour winner who asked for the study was Greg Lemond, who has long argued this. Andy Hampsten has made similar comments, though Hampsten I believe won at L'Alpe d'huez in 1992, post changeover under that theory. But both riders tailed off rather suddenly and seemed to suggest there was a ""drug gap"" partly to blame. While I suspect drugs have influenced the increase in speed, I suspect equipment and legitimate training improvements have contributed, too, as the article proposes."

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