Sinsus Problems while riding

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Anonymous's picture

"Hi everyone. When I ride, my sinuses are so bad that I have to stop and blow my nose every few minutes. I've tried Zyrtec, Allegra, Sudafed and the prescription drug Ipratropium Bromide. Although, the above help on days when I don't ride, its when I'm riding with the increased air flow needs that my sinus attacks really occur. I've had two previous operations that only helped for a limited time.

Other than blowing ""snot rockets"", does anyone have a suggestion? There's got to be others with sinsus problems--what have you tried?

All suggestions are appreciated in advance!!


Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)
Flonase (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Leakynose (not verified)
Sinus problems

Thanks Peter. I was on Flonase, and Beconase(and others sprays) years ago. The continued use of the steroid nasal sprays lead to diseased Middle Turbinates that completely distroyed my sinus cavities. That required a sinsus operation about five years ago. I have to stay away from the steroid sprays for that reason.

I need another suggestion please.


Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)
very true

Flonase worked great for nasal drip for me the few times I used it. I stopped after only 3 or 4 applications sensing mild discomfort between doses and I reckon it was eating away at my sinuses, too - mild almost bleeding soft spots. I didn't know such was common with the product. Learning now, I'm glad I stopped when I did.

Anonymous's picture
drippythenose (not verified)
this is what I do

My nose runs constantly when I ride, so I started packing these soft cotton cloths that I use as baby wipes (instead of the throwaway kind that kill trees). They're very soft and absorbent and smaller than a handkerchief. You can pin them to your sleeve and switch them out when you stop for a snack. One lasts me over an hour. Here's a site where you can buy them (I have never mastered the snot rocket).
They even work when moist from the rain, as I found out last weekend! Does sudafed do nothing for you? Claritin-D works pretty well for me. I feel your pain.

Anonymous's picture
snot-rocket (not verified)
Sinus problems

Drippy--thanks for your info about the wipes. Sudafed does work a little, but my doctor told me NOT to take it as it does raise one's blood pressure. I have only mildly elevated BP, but the doc wants me to be cauious. Sudafed works by constricting the blood vessels in the nasal cavity, thusly raising one's BP. :((
I used to use the 12 hr dose Sudafed (which worked fairly well), but Mr. Doc told me if I must use it, to use the lowest dose possible--which is the little red pill one, that lasts only 2-3 hours and gives only slight relief.


Anonymous's picture
Leaky Nose (not verified)
Sinsus Problems while riding


How do those baby wipes work with a short sleeve jersey? Wouldn't it be difficult to get the upper arm near your nose and blow? Is that how you use them? Anyway to camouflage them?



Anonymous's picture
Gary Katz (not verified)
Riding position?

Talk to your doctor or a trainer about your riding position. Perhaps the angle of your head and neck prevents fluids from traveling down the back of your throat into the espophagus for swallowing, rather than building up in the sinuses.


Anonymous's picture
esass (not verified)
dripping nose

I read somewhere that it is not necessarily a medical issue. The air in your nose in warmer and moister than the outside air. The cold air causes the moisture to condense, thereby creating a runny nose.

Anonymous's picture
Banana Guy (not verified)
Just warn those behind you before you blow. (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Not a Doctor (not verified)

I am no doctor, but I have been told that the final step to combat allergies (after cleaning up your environment, taking medicines, and considering you have already had surgery) is immunotherapy. The shots reqire dedication as you need to get them weekly I think for about the first year, but it is worth inquiring with a doctor who specializes in this.
PS - when you see Tim on the road, I recommend staying a half-wheel ahead if possible. Best of luck!

Anonymous's picture
katie (not verified)
different approach

"My two cents:
Eliminating or at least reducing dairy from your diet helps limit the mucous production;
Cleaning your nasal passages in the a.m. might also help. There are otc saline cleansers that you squirt up your nostrils, or you can use a ""netti pot"", available in health food stores. I think the saline cleansers probably work just as well, with less mess, expense and preparation.
Good luck."

Anonymous's picture
drippythenose (not verified)
dairy elimination useless

I eliminated dairy to calm my colicky baby for the first 5 months of his life and sniffled all the way through our dairy-free existence. The dairy-free theory, at least when I put it to the test, was nonsense. However, it did make for a calmer, happier baby.

Anonymous's picture
Leaky Nose (not verified)
Sinsus problems while riding


Thanks for those great suggestions. Ironically, I have been using a ""Neti Pot"" for about six years. It helps immensely for me during normal daily life. But when I ride, the light dripping in the nose still occurs. BTW, anyone who has NOT tried a Neti Pot, should--it has eliminated many a cold or sinus problems during winter months.

As to dairy, I firmly believe that dairy does cause congestion and eat that stuff rarely. My problem seems to be what is called ""exercise induced sinusitis"". Its the increased air flow over the sinsus passages the cause an irritation and the nasal discharge. Its not a lot, but it does force me to breath through my nose when it happens. But what grosses even myself out, is blowing the stuff into the wind when I ride. No one will ride behind me. :((

A previous reply from ""drippythenose"" suggested nasal wipes attached to my sleeve. A good thought but not an attractive thing to do. :(

I thank everyone for taking this subject seriously. If anyone has more input, please post it here.

Many thanks again to all,


Anonymous's picture
Moby Dick (not verified)
Sinsus problems while riding

I did immunotherapy & got shots (yes, more than one per visit) every week for about a year & a half & my sinus is no better. Check before you blow.

Anonymous's picture
Leaky Nose (not verified)
Sinus problems while riding


Yeah, I heard the same from my Chiropractor who used to recommend immune shots. Seems like its a hit or miss at best.
Keep the suggestions coming.

Tim :)

Anonymous's picture
Dave Sabbarese (not verified)
Sinus probs

Try Breathe Right nasal strips. I swear they work. (See Wayne Wright on the web site - a recent convert!)

cycling trips