STS A Series

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Anonymous's picture

"I was looking at the scheduled rides this weekend and noticed that Robert Gray's STS-A19 ride is doing 105 miles. The STS-A23 is ""only"" doing 95 miles.

If I want to push myself, should I go with the A19?


P.S. Is John Z and his A23 team getting soft?"

Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)

I saw that too. Nice route, I may go on it myself...

Anonymous's picture
<a href="">Peter O'Reilly</a> (not verified)
Well, you've got a point there

It's really only a 3 mile or so difference. Since Robert is starting out in Central Park, one needs to account for the 7 or so junk miles that immediately follows. [Yes, A23 bias is rearing it's head here :-]

Anyway, either ride you decide, you can't loose. They're both quite nice and challenging. Maybe one will be rained out-on Saturday. Who knows? Then there's the opportunity to do both in the same weekend. Wouldn't that be grand?!?

Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)
Not This Weekend...

Since a many of the upgrades to my bike came as a gift, it would be wise to continue celebrating Mother's Day on Sunday...

Anyway, while Robert's route is quite nice, we have three 1000+ vertical foot climbs to conquer. While the current forecast for Saturday is not encouraging, inland may at least be dry.

Anonymous's picture
Bob Shay (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)

I am going to Syd's today for the appropriate rain gear I currently lack.

Anonymous's picture
steveb (not verified)
So does that mean there will be a ride in the rain?

Or rain cancels?

Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)
We Are Watching


Its another iffy forecast. An occasional shower would be a go; any indication of steady rain all day then postpone.

Anonymous's picture
Bob Shay (not verified)

Where is Syd's? I could use some additional rain gear too.

Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)
34th Between 2nd and 3rd

"Actually, its Sid's; I was being a bit coy using an ""English"" spelling..."

cycling trips