Happy Birthday, Ed Fishkin

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Anonymous's picture

May 2, Edward Fishkin's birthday.
Happy Birthday to you, Ed. I took a survey,
it was unanimous, you are the coolest person in
the entire NYCC.
Happy birthday, buddy. We are all better people simply for knowing you!

Anonymous's picture
Rick Braun (not verified)

Doctor Ed-And a great SIG leader and bike mechanic/fitter too (I hope to never have to find out that you are a great doctor also). Best on your day! Rick

Anonymous's picture
Carol (not verified)
HB, Doctor Ed

Hope you had a wonderful day. Be careful of having too many of these birthday events, though...you might catch up to me.

Anonymous's picture
Banana Guy (not verified)
Happy Birthday, O fearless leader! (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Peter Morales (not verified)
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Ed.

Anonymous's picture
Rachel (not verified)

Ed, you don't look a day over 35!

Hope it was happy.

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