Silver Compact Double - 165mm

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  • Silver Compact Double - 165mm
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Anonymous's picture

I sense a dearth of silver compact doubles...

I need a crank with the following specs:

a) 165mm crankarm length
b) 110bcd double or 110/74bcd triple with removeable spacers
c) silver

I know of the following options:
1) TA Carmina
2) Yellow Jersey-modified Sugino XD600
3) Stronglight Impact compact
4) Sugino Cospea

What am I missing, that is readily available (ie not NOS or ebay)?

- Christian

Anonymous's picture
Tony Rentschler (not verified)
Here's one more

"The Stronglight ""Z"" light:

I'm sure you know that Peter White has the Zephyr Light in 160 and 170 lengths. I think it's nicer than the others you've listed. It's NOT cheap though.

Anonymous's picture
Christian Edstrom (not verified)

Hi Tony.

Thanks, though that one's only fit for a Star Trek denizen, isn't it? :-)

Thanks for the note on the Zephyrs, too.

- Christian

Anonymous's picture
Tony Rentschler (not verified)
une autre

Gilles Berthoud Rebelle cranks. Looks like only 170 mm arms w/94 mm BCD.

It's a little tricky to figure out the Web site - search for cranks (not cranksets). Don't select all the criteria - just click OK after choosing cranks and the 170 mm length.

Tons of good TA chainrings, etc. Stronglights in 165 mm.

Of course, all these components are in France, but maybe now's the time to order a nice French randonneuring bicycle to go with the crankset!

Anonymous's picture
Christian (not verified)


But no randonneuring rig for me. I just spent my last $29.95 on tubing odds and ends and a few pounds of 70 and 80 rod.

- Christian

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