UAR is On for 4/27/05

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  • UAR is On for 4/27/05
3 replies [Last post]
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Neile (not verified)
On. Thanks. (nm)
Anonymous's picture
Neile (not verified)
Umm ... maybe not.

FWIW, will be working till 7:00 at 119 West 23rd Street (Tekserve) if it stops raining and people still want to get together.

Anonymous's picture
John Z (not verified)
A Soaking

To get an extra hour of riding in, I started out from Midtown heading south at 5:30. At 6:00, in lower Manhattan it started drizzling. At 6:15, I was soaked on my way to CP. I arrived there 10 minutes late, due to the downpoar. My appologies to anyone else whom I may have missed.

My mountain bike needed a cleaning anyway...

cycling trips